Board of Secondary Education, Delhi is a self autonomous, Independent Board .The Board of Secondary Education, Delhi , which is established vide Act XXI of 1860 for vocational and educational society for the poor and Disadvantaged group as as street children, working children, rural women and physically challenged.

The Board is established for development of education under the guidelines of national education policy 1986 and programme of action 1992 Govt. of India respectively.

It has been constituted to regulate non formal Madhyama(10th), Uchattar Madhyama (12th) education  (Under Self Employment Education Scheme) in India. With the help of educational experts to educate uneducated boys, girls, men and women for upliftment of the literacy in India. So that they can serve society effectively and with dignity. Board may impart education with international techniques and with stress on moral, mental, physical and social personality.

Like all educational boards/Universities ours is also an autonomous body. Each educational organization acts on its own discretionary powers. According to these powers every board / university / state Govts. / Central Govt. of India has the liberty and right to take its own decision either to allow or refuse any admission / service. But we do our best to make success the non formal education programme. All the education programme run by the board is board’s own autonomous education programme. Legality, Validity, Utility of the education programme is strict conformity with the constitution of India and law of the land under Article 19(1)(G), 29 & 30.

Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) is Government of India’s flagship programme for achievement of Universalization of Elementary Education (UEE) in a time bound manner, as mandated by 86th amendment to the Constitution of India making fee and compulsory Education to the Children of 6-14 years age group, a Fundamental Right. SSA is being implemented in partnership with State Governments to cover the entire country and address the needs of 192 million children in 1.1 million habitations. The programme seeks to open new schools in those habitations which do not have schooling facilities and strengthen existing school infrastructure through provision of additional class rooms, toilets, drinking water, maintenance grant and school improvement grants. Existing schools with inadequate teacher strength are provided with additional teachers, while the capacity of existing teachers is being strengthened by extensive training, grants for developing teaching-learning materials and strengthening of the academic support structure at a cluster, block and district level. SSA seeks to provide quality elementary education including life skills. SSA has a special focus on girl’s education and children with special needs. SSA also seeks to provide computer education to bridge the digital divide

Recognition of Degree/Diploma by Govt. of India
Ministry of Home Affairs
New Delhi

Dated : 20th September, 1952

Subject: Recognition of the Examination

According to Ministry of the Home Affairs Government of India. Notification No. 26/4/52 C.C. Dated 20/09/52 issued in consultation with the Union Public Service Commission, that in case of Degree/Diploma awarded by Board & University in India which are in corporate by one Act of Central or part & State Legislature in India. No formal orders. Recognized automatically for the purpose of employment.

Harish Chandra
Under Secretary Government of India

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